Writing is a wonderful craft that has the ability to create something truly incredible. Whether you’re a hobbyist or you’re lucky enough to write as your day job, the reality of writer’s block is no picnic.
Every writer faces writer’s block at some point during their career. From those just starting out to professionals who have a lifetime of writing credits under their belts, it affects them all. Contrary to popular belief however, you don’t have to suffer in silence.
There are many steps you can take to overcome writer’s block and get back on track with that novel, essay or blog post once again.
Lack of inspiration is one of the main causes of writer’s block so renewing your search for ingenuity is a great place to begin. A solid source of inspiration may already be within easy reach too.
Many grab a book to get over a bout of writer’s block. Reading has long been known as a cure for the dreaded block, and depending on your chosen title and genre could challenge as well as motivate you to get your own words onto a page.
Writing through the block is another tactic that many writers find success with. You really can write anything, including a to-do list, poem, song, or short story in a completely different genre or writing style.
Writing it out is all about flexing those muscles and working without limits. What you produce doesn’t have to be usable, so just go with the flow!
If you’re writing a book, honing in on the smaller details of your narrative can help you move past the block as well as contribute to your project positively. Many novelists take a break by working on character development, which can lead to a whole new avenue of ideas and inspiration.
While most of our ideas so far have focused on writing through the block, doing something completely different and unrelated to the job at hand works too. Puzzles are great tools, and will challenge your brain while sparking the creativity that naturally shifts writer’s block. Jigsaw, sudoku or crossword, they all count.
Putting on your favourite album, or exploring a new artist or genre altogether, could also prove helpful for blocked writers. If you’re more of a movie buff, watching a film (feature length or short) could offer the break you need to return to writing fully refreshed and raring to go!